Launching and Expanding an eSignature Startup

Project Overview

PingSign was launched by a team based in Devon to fill a niche in the growing eSignature market. Their aim was to create an affordable and simplified alternative to the existing complex eSignature options. Our task was to establish a unique place for PingSign in a crowded market, grow its social presence, generate engaging content, and source new business opportunities.

Problem Statement

PingSign, although a cost-effective and feature-rich alternative, needed to establish its identity and differentiation in a market where competitors had cornered most of the content and visibility. The challenge was not only to promote the financial accessibility of PingSign but also to highlight its unique user-friendly features.

Approach and Strategy

Content and Campaigns: Given the high volume of content generated by competitors, we decided to implement a strategic approach by creating content that put PingSign in direct comparison with its competitors. This initiative aimed at emphasizing PingSign as a viable alternative. We also scraped tweets using competitors’ hashtags, and engaged with those users to steer them towards PingSign.

To optimize our marketing efforts, we conducted A/B tests on different campaigns run across Facebook and Instagram. Different copy versions and color schemes were used to identify the most successful ‘formula’ for attracting attention and engagement.

Simultaneously, we launched a campaign offering PingSign for free to charities and educational institutions. This campaign was incredibly successful, with the user conversion rate staying significantly above average.

Business Development: With the product well-received and adoption rates rising, we shifted our focus towards investment and partnership opportunities. We launched a concentrated initiative in the startup communities of Beijing and Shenzhen, tapping into the growing edtech sector in these regions. By leveraging relationships with local institutions and projects, we secured new users and sourced opportunities for integrations.

This effort led to a significant breakthrough – a conversation with the founders of okokokok.’ This interaction resulted in an MOU that positioned PingSign as an integral part of their soon-to-be-launched English to Chinese learning program.


Our strategic actions led to an increase in PingSign’s visibility, a substantial uptick in user adoption, and a solid footprint in an international market. The journey of PingSign from a startup to a significant player in the eSignature industry demonstrates the power of a focused strategy and the importance of leveraging unique product offerings. Our experience with PingSign underscores the impact of targeted outreach and user engagement in achieving business growth.

The Red Souk